Sunday, April 19, 2015


CALL (Computer Assist Language Learning)

This is the acronym that stands for Computer-Assisted Language Learning - a concept in language education. Beatty (2003) defines CALL as ‘any process in which a learner uses a computer, and as a result, improves his or her language’.

CALL has developed gradually over the last 30 years and it embraces a wide range of ICT applications, tools and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages.This form of learning also enables a student of a language for a Web-based distance learning.


This section gives a brief overview of how CALL has been used or can be used for the purpose of language learning and teaching. The use of CALL can be divided as follows: (1) Computer as Drill and Practice, (2) Computer as Tutor (3) Computer as Simulation / Problem Solving, (4) Computer as Game, (5) Computer as Tool for ELT teachers and learners, and (6) Applications of Internet for ELT.The design of CALL is used to help the teacher completing the learning, because CALL have 2 important features, they are bidirectional (interactive) learning and individualized learning. So CALL is not be used to replace the face to face language instruction.Maybe using the internet to teach language in schools in Indonesia is still not realistic for now because there is a lack of funding from government and education institution itself, but maybe it can be realized in the future. Actually in the learning with using CALL can give some advantages for students and teachers, they are  1) CALL is good for motivating students to study English, 2) Students can get different types of input using a computer, 3) Learning can be individualized using computers, 4) CALL can overcome barriers of time and place, 5) Teachers can get materials from commercial companies. But there is also a disadvantage where the teachers have obstacles in doing implementation in their class especially in Indonesia, like there is no enough instrument in teaching, a school has to have a computer for a student and of course there must be internet there.However, most of the problems that appear in the literature on CALL have more to do with teacher expectations and apprehensions about what computers can do for the language learner and teacher. Teachers and administrators tend to either think computers are worthless or even harmful, or can do far more than they are really capable of. Reluctance on part of teachers can come from lack of understanding and even fear of technology. Often CALL is not implemented unless it is required even if training is offered to teachersFor adoption of learning technologies in schools, of course Teachers should be computer literate and trained continuously and they have to get more experiences in using CALL


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