Bani Mustofa - TRANSLATION 503
1. My memory is foggy = pikiranku sedang kacau
2. You are my sunshine = kamu adalah cintaku
3.He has a fiery temper = dia orang yang mudah marah
4.My future looks very bright = masa depanku terlihat sangat cemerlang
5.It was a very stormy relationship = itu adalah hubungan yang kacau dan menyebalkan
1.spiders were her achilles heel = laba - laba adalah kelemahannya
2. My house is like paradise = rumahku sangatlah indah seperti surga
3.He is the new Bill gates with those cars = dia adalah orang paling kaya dengan mobil - mobil itu
4. hey guys ! guess who the new einstein in our class = teman - teman coba tebak siapakah orang pintar baru dikelas kita.
5.He was a Shrek before he had been done his plastic surgery = dia adalah orang yang jelek sebelum melakukan operasi plastik
1. gleamed like a pearl = bersinar sangat cerah
2. as fiery as a volcano = sangat mudah marah
3. as clear as crystal = sangat mudah untuk dilihat
4. as soft as a silk = sangat lembut
5. eats like a bird = kebiasaan suka makan sedikit
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
- Transference: it is the process of transferring an SL word to a TL text. It includes transliteration and is the same as what Harvey (2000:5) named "transcription."
Example 1. My uncle works as supervisor in that company :Pamankubekerjasebagaisupervisordi perusahanity
2. Jack is a master in mathematic : Jack adalahseorang master di matematika.
- Naturalization: it adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL. (Newmark, 1988b:82)
Example 1.jacket = jaket
2.guitar = gitar
- Cultural equivalent: it means replacing a cultural word in the SL with a TL one. however, "they are not accurate" (Newmark, 1988b:83)
Example Lustrajca (polish) : Purification
- Functional equivalent: Functional Equivalent is a procedure of translation that is usually used to translate cultural words.It requires the use of a culture-free word,sometimes with a new specific term.This procedure, which is a cultural componential analysis, is the most accurateway of translating. This kind of procedures is also used when a SL technical word has no TL equivalent(Newmark, 1988:83
Example Kusir Delman : Coachman
- Descriptive equivalent:
Example Bika Ambon = the traditional cookies from Ambon, Maluku are made from glutinous rice flour. the taste is sweet.
- Componential analysis:
Example 1.Clean clothes = washed clothes, through.
2.clean water = water you can see
- Synonymy:
Example 1.pintar = cerdas=pandai
2. false = untrue
3. huge = enormous
- Through-translation:
Example 1. ILO ; organisasi buruh internasional
2. UNICEF: badan perlindungan anak terlantar internasional
- Shifts or transpositions: it involves a change in the grammar from SL to TL, for instance, (i) change from singular to plural, (ii) the change required when a specific SL structure does not exist in the TL, (iii) change of an SL verb to a TL word, change of an SL noun group to a TL noun and so forth. (Newmark, 1988b:86)
Example lending bank : bank yang memberikan pinjaman
- Modulation: it occurs when the translator reproduces the message of the original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar in terms of perspective. (Newmark, 1988b:88)
Example environment degradation = penurunan mutu lingkungan.
- Recognized translation: it occurs when the translator "normally uses the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional term." (Newmark, 1988b:89)
Example DPR = Indonesia Legislative Assembly
- Compensation: it occurs when loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part. (Newmark, 1988b:90)
Example Break time : waktu untuk beristirahat
- Paraphrase: in this procedure the meaning of the CBT is explained. Here the explanation is much more detailed than that of descriptive equivalent. (Newmark, 1988b:91)
Example 1. Hypothermia (kondisi dimana tubuh berada dalam suhu rendah dibawah 35 derajat celcius)
- Couplets: it occurs when the translator combines two different procedures. (Newmark, 1988b:91)
Example Keraton : the enormous palace (where the king and his family lived)
- Notes: notes are additional information in a translation. (Newmark, 1988b:91)
Example Metatext as meta-reflection on the text, i.e. metalingual reflection
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Catford (1978: 21)
on the extent, the types of translation are:
1) Full translation, it
is a type of translation
in which the entire SL text is reproduced by the TL text materials.
2) Partial translation,
there are only some parts of the SL
text to be translated into the
TL text.
Catford (1978:21)
banyaknya, jenis-jenis terjemahan ada :
1. Terjemahan penuh, ini adalah
sebuah jenis terjemahan dimana keseluruhan teks sumber bahasa di
reproduksi oleh teks materi bahasa terjemahan
2. Terjemahan sebagian, hanya ada
beberapa bagian dari teks sumber bahasa di terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa tujuan.
terms of level, the types of translation are:
1) Total translation, the TL
material replaces all levels of the
SL text.
2) Restricted translation, it is the
replacement of SL textual
material with equivalent TL
material at only one level;
whether at the phonological level, graphological
level, or at the level of grammar
and lexis.
Dalam hal tingkat, jenis-jenis
terjemahan ada :
1) Terjemahan
total, materi teks bahasa terjemahan menggantikan semua jenis teks bahasa
2) Terjemahan
terbatas, ini adalah penggantian teks materi bahasa sumber yang sama dengan materi teks bahasa
hanya pada satu tingkat, apakah pada tingkat fonologi, grafologi, atau pada
tingkat grammar dan kosa kata.
terms of rank, translation is divided into:
1) Rank-bound translation, it means that the selection of TL
text equivalent is limited at only one rank, such as word-
for-word equivalence, morpheme-for-morpheme equivalence, etc.
2) Unbounded
translation, it can move freely
up and down the rank-scale.
Dalam hal tingkat, terjemahan
dibagi menjadi
1) Terjemahan
terikat, terjemahan ini berarti bahwa pemilihan teks bahasa terjemahan
yang sama terbatas hanya pada satu tingkat, seperti kesamaan kata demi kata,
morfem demi morfem dll.
2) Terjemahan
tak terikat, terjemahan ini dapat bergerak bebas naik dan turun skala tingkat.
Brislin in Choliludin (2007: 26-30)
on the purposes of translation:
1) Pragmatic
translation: it refers to the translation
of a message with an interest in
accuracy of the information that
was meant to be conveyed in the SL form
and it is not conveyed with other
aspects of the original language version.
Example: the translation of the information
about repairing a machine.
Brislin dalam Choliludin (2007: 26-30)
Berdasarkan tujuan-tujuan terjemahan
pragmatis: terjemahan ini mengacu sebuah pesan dengan kepentingan keakuratan
informasi yang dimaksudkan untuk disampaikan ke dalam bentuk bahasa sumber dan
ini bukan disampaikan dengan aspek-aspek lain dari versi bahasa asli. Contoh terjemahan
informasi tentang memperbaiki sebuah mesin.
2) Aesthetic-poetic
translation: it refers to translation in which the translator takes
into account the affect, emotion, and feeling of an original version, the
aesthetic form used by the original author, as well as any information in the
message. Example: the translation of sonnet, rhyme, heroic couplet, dramatic
dialogue, and novel.
2. T erjemahan estetis-puitis: terjemahan ini
mengacu pada penerjemahan dimana penerjemah mempertimbangkan perasaan, emosi,
dan suasana versi aslinya. Bentuk estetis digunakan oleh penulis asli, serta
semua informasi dalam pesan. Contoh terjemahan sonata, sajak, bait kepahlawanan
, dialog dramatis, dan novel.
3) Ethnographic translation: its
purpose is to explicate the cultural context of the SL and TL versions.
Translators have to be sensitive to the way words are used and must know how
the word fits into cultures. Example: the use of the word ‘yes’ versus ‘yeah’
in America.
Terjemahan etnografi,bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konteks budaya bahasa asli dan versi bahasa terjemahan. Penerjemah
harus peka pada cara kata-kata yang digunakan dan harus mengetahui bagaimana
kata yang cocok dengan budaya. Contoh: penggunaan kata ‘ya’ terhadap ‘ya’ di
4) Linguistic translation: is
concerned with equivalent meanings of the constituent morphemes of the SL and
grammatical form. Example: language in a computer program and translation
linguistic: terkait dengan makna yang setara atas konstituen morfem bahasa sumber dan
bentuk gramatikal. Contoh: bahasa dalam program computer dan mesin
Jacobson in Leonardi
Intralingual translation (monolingual translation), 2) interlingual translation
(bilingual or multilingual translation), and 3) intersemiotic translation
(verbal sign into non-verbal sign).
refers to a translation in which verbal signs are interpreted by means of other
signs of the same language. It happens within the same language (monolingual)
Jacobson dalam Leonardi (2000)
intralingual (terjemahan monolingual), 2) terjemahan interlingual (bilingual
atau terjemahan multilingual), 3) terjemahan intersemiotik (tanda verbal
menjadi tanda non-verbal)
Terjemahan intralingual, mengacu
pada terjemahan yang tanda-tanda verbal ditafsirkan dengan cara tanda-tanda
lain dari bahasa yang sama. Hal ini terjadi pada bahasa yang sama (satu bahasa)
is the one which refers to different languages whether it is bilingual or
refers to an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of
non-verbal sign systems.
Terjemahan interlingual; adalah
terjemahan yang mengacu pada perbedaan bahasa apakah itu bahasa bilingual atau multilingual
Terjemahan intersemiotik mengacu
pada sebuah interpretasi tanda-tanda verbal melalui tanda-tanda lain dari sistem-sistem tanda non-verbal
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